Once Upon A Time…

Once upon a time there was a handsome wealthy man, married to a beautiful kind woman. Their daughter was the fairest in the land. Sadly, one day, the beautiful wife died and the handsome wealthy man was so lonely that he married again.

This wife was not beautiful and kind, she was grumpy and mean and her two ugly daughters bullied the fair daughter.

The wicked second wife moved into the handsome wealthy man’s house and spent his money whilst he was out working. Her ugly daughters bought dresses and shoes and the poor fair daughter was left cleaning the house and ironing their clothes.

If only the handsome wealthy man had made a Will with his first beautiful kind wife that had included a property trust, their fair daughter would have had peace of mind knowing that half of the house that belonged to her mother would eventually come to her……We could have said that she had lived happily ever after.

We don’t live in fairy tales but we are able to ensure our affairs are in order for our children!

Seek advice and have your Will drawn up by a professional!

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